How have we approached people, places and events?
Every person and place that features in our Theatrical Documents or significant for the background research for our district maps can be found here.
You can discover on these pages basic known information about these people and places (dates of birth or death, occupation, residence, etc.).
In doing so, you can also see where on the maps or in Theatrical Documents these individuals feature. What links them to a district or an event? What is their relationship to a playhouse? Where, in other words, do they fit into Shakespeare’s Theaterscape…?
Using databases and coding (XML), we have tagged each of our documents so that every person that features in them and each location mentioned has an entry in our Who’s Who and our Locations lists. Each of these is also mapped and navigable on the respective playhouse district maps (and you can move between the two). We have also included additional places outside of our Key Documents. These are drawn from our background research in developing the maps and their neighbourhoods (as above, “How Did We Create Our Maps?”).
We hope this site begins to suggest relationships within and between different playhouses and their neighbourhoods. For instance, a player performing at one playhouse might live on the doorstep of another, or a businesswoman in one district might have shares in another district’s playhouse, and so forth. Here, then, we start to map some of the personal networks behind the early modern playing industry.